Tuesday, June 5, 2012

the juice on juice

fruit is nature's candy. it's super sweet and tasty. and bonus it's a part of a healthy diet. even the USDA recommends fruits and vegtables for half our plate. but believe it or not juice (even 100% fruit juice) is not an essential part of a kid's diet. with the high sugary content and the high acidity, it makes the perfect formula for cavities. i recommend, along with the AAPD, that juice not be a daily part of a meal but instead only given as a treat. juice should be limited to 4-6 fluid ounces, or 1/2 a cup per DAY, given only in a cup (not a sippy or bottle).   besides cavites, excessive juice intake can lead to other health problems for your little ones such as diabetes and obesity. have you noticed any unusual spots on your child's teeth? set up an appointment with my office and i'll be happy to take a look.

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